Wednesday, December 03, 2008

as if

Here's this weeks horoscope:

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
In 1952, renowned modern composer John Cage created the infamous "4'33"." It's a "song" that consists of four minutes and 33 seconds of pure silence. Recently a San Francisco performance artist, Jonathon Keats, did a remix of that tune and made it available as a ring-tone. I'd love for you to be inspired by those two geniuses in the coming week, Virgo. It'll be an excellent time for you to come to a perfect stop, fill yourself with stillness, and bask in the healing power of undiluted nothingness.

And all I can say is AS IF. I don't have time to do nothing, let alone bask in undiluted nothingness. I wish. It's the holiday season. Even though D & I have always done very low-key, low spending holidays we still have family to buy for and some members expect gifts so there's no card or sweet cost-free sentiment that will suffice. I have an elderly insane dog that I must continually clean-up after, be it accidents in the house or a flood of water from her dancing in the water bowls. I have an almost elderly dog that was spry for his age but now appears to have a bulging or ruptured disc in his neck. He's been to the vet twice already this week and it's only Wednesday. Then there is the very mobile J. The other day I ran downstairs because I thought I heard water-bowl dancing. I was mistaken so I was back upstairs in 30 seconds - J had left the far side of his room, ventured across the hall and across the guest room to the computer and he was tugging on all the wiring he could get his little hands on. He's fast now!

In addition to tending to the souls residing in our home, I have a hubby who has decided to compete with me for the number of friends we have on Facebook. I'm rather non-competitive so I think I'll be able to keep from joining in this silly, potentially time consuming game. I also have two businesses I'm trying to get started. So I spend a decent amount of time at the computer working on those. Unfortunately we're having major internet connectivity issues these days so anything online is frustrating and stretches out into what at the time feels like eternity.

In the next three weeks leading up to our holiday travels I must finish shopping, baking, etc like everyone else. I must also finish my wrist physical therapy, do family photos, and get to a handful of other appointments for J and/or I.

I realize this to do list is like most everyone else's this time of year (sans dementia-ridden dog probably) but unless you are also a Virgo you probably do not have a horoscope suggesting you bask in undiluted nothingness.

I recognize filling myself with stillness and basking in nothingness would be a great tonic for this time of year. But unfortunately I just don't have time and this week my freewill is opting out.

Sigh. Nothingness DOES sound lovely.


Shannon said...

I think you've joined the game. Shannon-68

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a convenient overlap between building your businesses and "networking" on Facebook? You might win this challenge (which you don't seem very interested in) yet! :)

Ha! Oh, and a ringtone of silence? I think I've had that before. It's called "your phone is broken," and I don't remember taking that annoying opportunity to bask in the healing power of undiluted nothingness. But then again, I'm not a Virgo. I think I'm way too cynical and irritable to be that Zen :)