Last week . . .
- J learned to put his binky in his mouth himself. I learned yesterday he's using an "inferior pincher" grasp which is 3 grasps from where he was a month ago. He's doing good in the fine motor skills area!
- J started exploring his parents' facial features (mainly just mom's); he continues to struggle with rolling over but gets it about 1/2 the time
- He is exploring his voice - he spent the week "growling" and now is moving into squealing and shrieking. Wow, shrieking is ridiculously loud
- With a sick kitty (renal failure) and an elderly dog, of course we could not have a simple time of getting the pets ready for our trip out-of-town. Tate went to board at the vet (sick kitty) while our elderly Cleo traveled with us to my parents'. The other 2 cats (yes we have 3) stayed home with toys & huge bowls of food. The other 2 dogs (yep, 3 of those too) were driven 40 minutes south of us (oh, and yeah we were heading north for the weekend) to board because their local place was booked.
- We spent another weekend in PA, this time visiting my family. I helped my mom throw my dad a surprise b-day party (by help I mean that I planned & executed the whole thing but did not have to pay for it - perfect!). My dad actually seemed surprised though he was suspicious when my uncle from TX showed up Friday night with my brother in-tow (in from Vegas). It went well and the cake was absolutely amazing & delicious. It was from Clarencedale Cakes. They did my baby shower cupcakes too. Yum.
- Though I look a bit frumpy these days and spend way too much time in pajamas, I was pleased to put on shorts & capris that were not only understandably tight this spring but tight last spring . . . . but they weren't tight this weekend! Our nightly walks are helping my waistline and hopefully helping me get fit in general.
This week:
- J had his Del. Co. Help Me Grow assessment. His early childhood person came in and played with him for about an hour. He's doing great! He's ahead in a few places, on track in most, and there was only one place where he could end up behind if we don't work with him. It's our fault, again. We thought it was okay if he liked to stand instead of sit so we let him. Well, apparently he is resisting sitting because it's more difficult. Well, that's going to have to change. I dusted off our exercise ball (pathetic that it was soooooooo dusty - says a lot about our resistance to working our core too!) and learned some exercises for him. We can both workout with it now!
- J also had his first sick-baby appointment. He's fine though so we figured while we were there we'd get his 5-month vaccines too. He seemed to take these worse than the previous ones. He was more tired & cranky than before and there is a knot in his leg. He weighed-in a pound heavier than 3 weeks ago. Sounds pretty good to me.
- I'm supposed to get a ton of work this week. I'm glad to have this job and I suspected this would happen. I just hope I don't disappoint them and can get it all done in time! And then get more work from somewhere!
- I've done nothing with my t-shirts. Ugh. I know what I need to do next but creative ventures take a lot more time for me. I need time to think and mull things over much much more. Hopefully I figure out a plan and get something accomplished sooner than later.
- Speaking of creativity, another task I had for this week was getting a selection of my photographs framed for display. It's all in who you know, right? Well, D needed new artwork up in his store, in a hurry for this week. So he just broke down and asked me to put mine up since he had no time to get stuff from anyone else. I'm excited to have them up, but nervous also. Once I saw them they didn't look that good - they didn't look worthy of display. But if you want to judge for yourself stop by the Lane Avenue Starbucks. :)
- More J news too of course. He started to really enjoy his jumperoo this week. D put him in it on Sunday evening when we got back from PA. He started jumping all around and spinning to look at the different toys. Yesterday he got a little upset when he was taken out of it!
- Last but not least . . . Friday. It's our 10 year anniversary. So we're going out to dinner. It'll be the first time we leave J with anyone. My parents haven't even watched him yet - only when we're in the house. So T will have them while we are out. We're leaving her our frontpack so she can take him for a walk. He's a big ole mama's boy and there's a good chance he'll flip out with her. He did in PA - he wouldn't even look at my dad and screamed when he held him. He let my mom & sister hold him but not for long. I'm nervous. I'm nervous about him flipping out, not that something bad will happen or that T can't handle things. Though that screaming is about impossible to work with. I'm sure it'll be fine. :)