Monday, May 19, 2008


Again, I want to get back to blogging. I have a good deal of computer time at my disposal now. It's one of the few things I can do while holding Mr. Squirmy during his demanding times and/or cuddling times. What I usually end up doing though is IMing. I enjoy it, and it's the most adult conversation I get each day considering when D gets home we split up and tackle baby's needs, ours, dinner, etc. Divide and conquer! I feel like as the at-home mom I should be doing it all but that's not happening yet. I'm not sure when or if it will.

In any case, I want to write. I want to do something constructive with my time. I need to feel more like myself as most days I cannot locate her. And I can't stand to watch much more HGTV in HD or otherwise.

I came up with a list of topics I've been meaning to write about. Things I want to explore for myself really that I'm cool sharing with all y'all too. So now I just need to choose one and go. Simple, right? I'll try (that reminds me: there is no try; there is only do or do not) to be positive . . . yes, simple.

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