Wednesday, July 30, 2008

let it be

I suppose if asked most people have a view on whether God, the universe, fate, destiny or fairies have a grand plan for your life. Because of that little freewill thing, and my identifying with the idea of being independent I'm not sure I believe it's that black and white. I do believe in the power of thought, collective consciousness, etc. And I have been dabbling in feng shui and other manifestations of the Law of Attraction long before Oprah highlighted The Secret.
In fact we've had a feng shui consultant out to our house twice now. The second time was to prep for baby J's arrival and for a supposed promotion opening up for D. He'd just been passed over for a promotion and we were still in shock - we're a little biased but thought D was the best candidate by far.
Over lunch with friends a few weeks ago we discussed vision boards. D & I each made one at the beginning of the year and his has been hanging up where he could see it each day. Mine never made it off the computer for technical reasons. My friend said how things were going really well for her and I mentioned the promotion never came to fruition. She stated the obvious that maybe that was not what was supposed to happen. Maybe the thing D really craves that he thinks the promotion would have given him could not be attained at this time through that path. Maybe the universe knew better than us and had/has us ultimately on the "better" or "right" path. I hadn't thought of it that way. When I told D he was not amused, always the sceptic.
Well, yesterday was "black Tuesday" at my husband's company, or so the gossip site was calling it. They had already had some store closings and done some layoffs in stores and at corporate. Yesterday, without much notice they hatcheted away at middle management partially due to fewer stores and partially do to some internal changes that made few positions necessary. If D had been promoted instead of the other guy or if the 2nd position had ever materialized he would be unemployed today - demoted at the very least. While the last one is not horrible, unemployment would have been considering I quit my job in May to stay home with J.
During our nightly walk last night D said he was beginning to be a believer in the everything happens for a reason idea. Our impatience and annoyance over the past few months is easier emotionally and financially to swallow than loss of a job or demotion after months in a higher paying position.
Yesterday we were reacquainted with gratitude - hopefully we aren't as lax in stating it in the future.
We don't know what the future will hold for D professionally, but we're trusting in the universe to provide for us as long as we do the work that's necessary, have a positive outlook, and show our thanks.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Just here for the poll . . . . skip down. Wanna read my short, neurotic prologue first, then keep reading.

I hurriedly signed up for so I could create a poll to email to all my peeps. I didn't really think about the delivery method for said poll. Then I was given a java script and told to put it in a blog or MySpace. Not ideally what I was looking for.
Why? Why do I care? Well, while I welcome the votes, I have no idea who lurks here.
Again, why do I care? Because this action clearly shows how much I think outloud and run things past people to help with my decision making. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but I admit I often wish I could be more like people who . . . . just do it or who are a lot less talk and a lot more action. In any case, vote please. Poll closes on July 4th (or sooner). Feel free to add your own as well.
