Thursday, May 13, 2010


I'm working on an adoption update. I'm also working on getting some pictures up from Mother's Day. I'm a bit behind. Probably because I'm a bit busy too!

I'm "reading" (read: skimming) a book about someone who created in interesting home-based business. I'm not sure how old the author was when they started the business but it formed out of what seemed like a "what should I do when I grow up' moment. Been there. Maybe I'm still there. How long can a quarter-life crisis last anyway? Can it run right into a mid-life crisis? Hmmm. Well, considering my issue is only employment related I don't think it's considered a crisis of any sort (anymore - that quarter-life thing is real though people, what's up with that?!?!).
I spent half my time in college as "undecided" and while I should have enjoyed the wealth of liberal arts options at my liberal arts school, I didn't. Only a handful of months after graduating with my science degree and plans for post-graduate schooling, I found myself (my entire self) inside a dog kennel with a bottle of diluted bleach. You don't want to know what I was cleaning off every surface surrounding me
Though it wasn't my first or last time cleaning kennels, I thought to myself, 'self, what the hell are you doing; is this really THE plan?' Within three months I had an office job related to photography. Didn't take me long to realize, though I loved the job, I wasn't going to be doing photography. Not that my job required it, but I still don't "get" all the relationships of aperture, f-stop, lighting, etc. Someday I'll learn to use my DSLR in manual mode. Someday.

Fill in a few years of "blah blah blah" and you'll find me glad to have the "out" that is Jack. An out as in a time out, a time out from the cage (or cubicle, same difference). I'm really happy to be home playing with matchbox, learning to decipher toddler-speak, baking, cleaning, and yes even changing diapers. Someday though little ones will be in school. What will I do with myself then? And more importantly what do I do with my brain now so it doesn't turn to toddler-mush?

Well, when I find a moment of quiet time, like the author of the home-based business book, I plan to ask myself the same questions she did. I already have a gut response to them and I tend to trust those (intrigued? check out my other blog where I expound on this: Squash the Inner Critic).

What I'm interested in is hearing from you. Because I know a few of you I was jealous of in college with your solid knowledge of what you wanted to do have ended up in my camp. What about the rest of you? Have you had or are you in the midst of your own 'what should I be when I grow up' crisis? How would you answer the questions below? I'm interested to know; comment away!

"What would I love to do tomorrow? . . . Could I lose track of time doing? And wouldn't care if someone paid me or not?"

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