Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Solstice

I love Winter Solstice. It's the first holiday of the group that we celebrate this season. I hate that it's the shortest day of the year, but there is a silver lining. The following day is longer, and so is the next and the next and so on.
We normally celebrate the holiday with lights. We had a wine tasting party a few years ago and our entire house was lit only by candlelight. It's surprising how much heat a hundred or so tea lights produce. We eventually had to turn off the furnace and open a window.
I cannot recall what we did last year. If the weather is decent perhaps we'll go to the zoo this year. Or maybe D and I will manage to have a nice candlelit dinner someplace. We'll see. Either way it is the beginning of the holidays and I'm excited. I'm not ready at all, but I'm excited nonetheless.

I'm bringing up Winter Solstice in part because it was mentioned in my omen this week.
"My deepest emotional wound has also been the source of inexhaustible blessings." I'm not going to tell you why that statement is true for me -- it's way too personal -- but I assure you that it's one of the fundamental facts about my destiny. Could you make a similar assertion, Virgo? Is it possible to interpret your life in such a way that you could see how a painful experience you suffered in the past has also given you tremendous insight, inspiration, and vitality? Two thousand nine will be an excellent year to make that leap of understanding. And the time around the solstice -- right now! -- is a perfect moment to get started.
I have not spent much time pondering my "deepest emotional wound" and feel lucky that it doesn't jump right out and announce itself. Lucky because while we all have emotional wounds I don't think I have that many let alone many deep ones. Is that lucky? Some may say it's not, that perhaps I cannot have proper growth or "inexhaustible blessings" without the flipside. I don't think that is completely true. Everyone is different.
In part I've not spent time pondering this because of it's negativity. However, I think I may take some time with this anyway because like the winter solstice, there is light on the other side of darkness. I would love to be able to be less negative and interpret negativity in a more positive way. I think that would be a wonderful way to spend some of my time and energy in 2009 - starting now.

1 comment:

Tammie said...

I just noticed your time zone clocks : ) I like them.