I forgot some things in my non-bulleted list that I posted yesterday. Since it snowed a ton today I figured I'd also include some photos.
Baby J . . . he is standing. Not right this second (well, maybe he is I cannot see him), but in general he is now standing on his own. I time him and he's gone 8 seconds before falling. Walking, here he comes! He will not yet walk while holding just one hand but he'll nearly run when holding both your hands. He went from hating to walk with his walker to spending a good portion of each morning going back and forth across each room & the hallway. Instead of learning to turn it around though, I suspect he has decided to walk with it backwards. I don't like this idea because, though it is innovative, it lends itself to crying once the walker tips over and spills baby J onto the floor.
You probably can't tell, but Jack is wearing his Nepalese booties here.
They sort of fit.
Cleo . . . she is home now. I did not look into the bag in which she was returned too well. I saw a box and a plastic flower and then left it alone. Today I unpacked the bag to find it is a beautiful cherry wood box, a plaque (unattached), and a creepy little envelope full of fur. I squealed (which scared J) when I opened it and quickly tossed it back into the bag. I'm not sure what to do with Miss Cleo. Honestly, I really want to have her made into a diamond and wear her around. I don't actually like diamonds but I would wear Cleo; I bet she'd be a gorgeous diamond.
Work . . . I left this out altogether. After a stressful week, I hope to be getting 1st draft designs in for the last couple specs this week. My artist was stressing and I think/hope we have made it over a hurdle and onward. I'm really excited to see them.
I have also contacted a local printer. I'm hoping to have a quote from them in a few days, maybe a week? I don't know how long that takes. I like them, but I think since I'm clueless I will have to dig up at least one more printer for a second quote.