In hopes it will be useful. But to whom?
In hopes I'll come back to it and write more.
In hopes it will simply be a space, a thing, to which I enjoy giving my time.
Honestly, with even minimal thought I quickly come up with only negative responses to these hopes. I mean, c'mon, I can give my time to far better things than a blog, a nonentity. So take that hope #3. And hope #2, well, I have a separate writing blog where I had wanted to explore my writing and the serious commitment I was making to it. I haven't been over there either. And lastly, hope #1 is a constant issue because I *should* blog for myself but I don't. And since I'm being honest here, as long as I'm not blogging for myself then I'm not likely to feel at home here.
I'm not trying to be the next big anything with this blog so I really have little business blogging for others. On the flipside to that, blogging for myself is pointless. Really, I don't see the point. I mean I see the point to writing for myself but not blogging. I don't put in-depth information out into the world. I'm a private person. I will tell you that what I tend to blog here is within the confines of what I'd discuss at a cocktail party. I'm quiet, shy, a wall-flower so if you know me you know that's not a whole lot of information. I guess that's part of why I find it so hard to fill posts. I'm editing myself. I'm editing myself right out of entire posts.
So maybe I will drop this one and just keep my travel log and writing blogs up. Release myself from the self-imposed blogging pressure. I could pick up some paper and a pen and actually write openly, honestly and completely for myself there. I'd still edit but at least I'd try to limit it.
So yeah, that's where I'm at right now and why I'm not here much.
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