A friend (you know who you are) sent me a rather old article yesterday, which I read and enjoyed, Caring for your Introvert. I think everyone who knows me knows I'm an introvert but if not - there you have it! I'm on the more social end of the spectrum these days, but I'm no extrovert. Until reading this, I had never considered the idea that the world is run by extroverts, and hence extrovert qualities are desired. However, I have experienced that! I have wished I could become an extrovert and change the entire basis of myself.
For being myself, again an introvert, I've also often been asked "what's wrong" or told I should appear happier and more outgoing ("why don't you smile"). Beyond that though I've also been wrongly labled as "haughty" and even bitchy because I'm introverted. The article suggests that extroverts don't understand us but I'd like to go farther . . . many introverts don't seem to understand either because some of the labeling and misunderstanding I've encountered is from them!
Why mention this? Well, this clearly affects my blogging, in that I always think before I speak (or write) and I don't want to share all my thoughts or feelings with people. The combination leads to a lack of blogging topics or at least unauthentic writing. Sometimes I read what I've written, and think 'I'm a better writer than this; how embarrassing,' so I delete it all.
I'm not upset at the continual evolution of this blog. I'm not looking to find a particular audience for this, nor will I monetize it. So evolution is fine. I mean I'm evolving as a person so it makes sense. I plan to abandon recipes here. I don't enjoy taking bad photos any more than I enjoy posting poorly written entries. I can do nice food shots, but I really hate dragging out my studio lights to photograph my dinner before I eat it. I'm hungry!
Adoption updates . . . I wanted to chronicle our adoption process here. Well, I guess I had hoped there wouldn't be this long period of waiting, or perhaps I didn't realize I'd have so little to say while waiting. I'll still post any update I have, but at this point they seem few and far between.
I plan to update my travel blog after some upcoming adventures. I'll also make sure it's up-to-date with past trips. So be sure to check that every so often. I'll likely link to it from here though so don't worry. I hope to keep my writing blog updated as well. I feel like I have zero audience over there, but I like that. It's also very focused. I think this blog could use more focus, or re-focus.
The newest incarnation of this blog will mainly be anecdotal. In addition to tidbits about daily life, I'll mainly be documenting my progress on P90x. (gulp) Yeah, I've been talked into doing it. My couch-to-5k program is taking longer than it should (that's an understatement). Having a buddy may have helped with that, and for P90x I will have one. D got the program and really wants to do it. How can I sit and snack during primetime TV while he's working out and getting ripped? I don't expect, or necessarily want, the latter but overall I feel like I should try the program as well.
More to come!
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