Thursday, May 31, 2007

A trip to the beach

Yeah, so what, I borrowed the title. I’m fully admitting it – A Trip to the Beach is a book that I have not read about an entrepreneurial couple that I am not like who move to Anguilla, which I have never visited. But I did take my own trip to a beach (several actually), and now I’m back.

A fellow blogger recently made noted something to the effect that they did not care for long blogs. I agree. So I’ll be breaking up my vacation posts into different days. Check out my travel blog for details. (Yep, I’m keeping it.)


Anonymous said...

FTR (for the record...i can't remember if that's an actual abbreviation or just one my husband made up, so I thought I'd explain)...FTR, your blogs have never exceeded an unacceptable length, in my opinion. I have other friends who frequently break this rule, and I've gotten into the habit of scrolling down their updates to assess the situation before I decide if I can catch up on the fly, or if I'll have to go back and read their update when I have some time and a cup of coffee in front of me.

However, I'm sure there are people for whom extra-long blog comments are a pet peeve, and I probably drive them crazy because I observe no rules when it comes to commenting. I'm sure I'm a hypocrite :)

Anyway, I'm glad you're back!!

Shannon said...

But I agree, and do the same thing (check out the length with a possible need to return). And comment are welcome at any length! I'm just happy to get them! :)