Thursday, February 21, 2008

baby shower

This past weekend was our “big” baby shower in PA. It’s the “big” one in part because it has the largest guest list but also because it was the one where we raffled off the envelope from our doctor – the one that has the baby’s sex written in it. I blogged about this briefly a few months ago when I first hatched the idea. Basically, guests were able to buy raffle tickets and then there was a drawing. The “winner” got a tote bag, but more importantly the envelope. This lucky lady got to decide if we would open the envelope and learn the baby’s sex or keep it sealed and find out when he/she is born.
All the proceeds collected are going to charity ( We chose CARE because before baby T was on the horizon we (well, mainly me) were looking into volunteer vacations abroad. It started out as part of a Costa Rica trip we were planning to coincide with D’s work sending him there. When that trip was cancelled I figured why not look into other locations as well. I was really interested in going to Africa. I began reading up on CARE’s opportunities in Tanzania and I was excited to look into it further and potentially make actual plans to volunteer there with them. I’d still like to do that, but we’ll have to wait until the baby is old enough to spend a month with grandma or old enough to spend a month with us in Africa. Either way, it won’t be on our radar again for a few years. Since we are waiting to volunteer, I thought it was fitting to have our raffle money go to the organization. We even have a donor matching all the funds we raised! We were really excited that so many people bought tickets and that we raised as much money as we did. It’s a nice chunk of money.
As of the drawing, I still didn’t actually want to know what was in the envelope. I made D draw the winning ticket because I knew he wouldn’t care as much as me which option the winner chose. If I had chosen someone who opened it I would have been upset with myself. I was hoping the winner would decide to keep the envelope sealed. I was surprised to find the room was split about 50/50 with people who wanted it opened vs. closed. I thought for sure everyone would want it opened.
As D drew the name and held it up for us to read, I knew immediately the envelope was safe. He drew my mom’s name. I think she wanted it to remain sealed regardless of what I wanted, but maybe what I wanted played a part too. I’m not sure. In any case, it’ll be secret for another 6 weeks or so. D is coping well – he’s waited this long.
We got a lot of nice things at the shower. We are almost ready for baby but we do have some things to do (and buy). They’re not crucial but of course in my mind I’ve categorized them as such anyway.
My car needs detailed and the car seat installed. That’s a biggie. I also need to wash all the baby’s clothes & bedding. I guess we’ll need diapers and of course I have to choose a pediatrician. I sent a mass email out at work and to friends and D did the same asking for nominees. Luckily we got quite a few repeat recommendations so we have the list narrowed down at least. Monday I called and joined a bunch of “meet and greet” sessions at a few offices. Most offices are about 20 minutes away. I hope that’s not going to be an issue. Maybe we’ll end up choosing one that’s closer though, who knows.
The largest roadblock in getting everything done is me. I’m so tired all the time. I need to find a way to take naps during the day or get ready faster in the morning so I can sleep in. I’m not sure, but I need more sleep and something tells me a separate batch will work better than tacking it on to what I already get. I have about a month left at work, and I’m not sure how I’m going to get through the day at the end of that. Others all managed just fine so either I’m a complete wuss or I’m worried about nothing and it’ll be fine.
That’s really my only complaint as far as how I feel. My back is starting to ache but I know I could do things to make that better. I could see Dr. Brett, or get a massage, or sit on the inflatable exercise ball, or all of the above. Instead, I just don’t do anything (see previous complaint on being tired). I do realize being tired is only going to get worse once baby T arrives.

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