Monday, February 25, 2008


A couple weeks ago we took advantage of Dr. Foster & Smith's anniversary sale and bought the basenjis each a "den." It says right on them "pet dens." They were immediately assembled and left out so the boys could get used to them. Cleo didn't get one - she has her bed and is happy there and does not roam.
The plan was to start (what we assumed would be a painful process) having the dogs sleep in these dens when my maternity leave started. That way Zu was not crated most of the day AND night which seems quite unfair and unhealthy for him. Of course it's his own fault he is crated - if he would just chill rather than be destructive he could lounge around free all day like the other dogs. Though after Saturday morning maybe freedom with each other isn't a great idea for the dogs anyway.
Speaking of Saturday - we decided two angry dogs with wounds might as well start sleeping in their personal dens right away. Each den has a pillow, and we placed our space heater between the two to ensure the pups would be warm enough. J went in after the bait (cheese) without issue, laid down and cleaned himself then slept. Zu on the other hand went right in after the bait, ate it and then seemed to have a "wtf" moment when he realized the door was closed behind him. Even with his e-collar on he managed to get to the pillow and rip into it. He only hurts himself. He had to spend the rest of the night with only the plastic bottom to sleep on. He had bouts of wakefulness that contained scratching, digging, yelping and general anger at wanting out but for the most part he was okay (or maybe I just didn't notice - I was taking full advantage of some earplugs I had).
Last night was worse. Zu only slept for about 5-6 hours and that was split into a ~2.5 block and ~3.5 block of time. His behavior escalated also as he added chewing, thrashing, and whimpering/crying to the mix. I woke up this morning knowing it will get better - though unfathomably it could get worse first I suppose. I also thought cool, I've survived a sleepless night and I feel ok. I know that's going to become the norm here pretty soon and I've been a bit worried about it and how I'd cope. I'm still nervous considering that was only 1 night.
In any case, there's no going back. We cannot reason with the dogs and come up with some part-time system like only having them in dens on weekends or stopping now and going back to it in a few weeks when I'm on leave. It's begun and we must continue - we must win the battle and get them (him) over this hump.
We'll see what tonight holds. I'm working to attract a good nights sleep with calm, happy, positive thoughts of nested basenjis, warm and snuggly in their dens. I know it's happening. We are receiving that, but it just may take a few days.

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