Saturday, April 30, 2011

Butterflies and Rainbows

I suspect I could be painting a picture of P90X as being all rainbows and butterflies over here. With the exception of an evening last week when it indeed included a rainbow, this is entirely not the case. I, well we, have discovered my own pattern within the pattern of P90x. It's a pattern of whining.

I like to start start with denial which very quickly moves into anger and bargaining before I lie down on the couch in a state of depression. Most evenings I find acceptance pretty quickly after that warm-up. I really like all the back, shoulder and arm workouts. I don't like legs or yoga though. I still haven't seen much in the way of results, in my opinion. I have gone up, and up in the amount I lift and I feel strong and generally less jiggly. I wish and hope for something more noticeable though before I hit the beach!

So there you have it. One rainbow and no butterflies. I must be holding out for the latter though because I still show up every night.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

The fact that you keep doing it every night despite your feelings shows how strong and determined you are! Results or not - this shows you can do anything you put your mind to.