Friday, November 10, 2006


I'm tired. I do tend to fill-up my plate and get into too many things in autumn and spring. Maybe because autumn is a season of change, or maybe I'm trying to do too much - or maybe one influences the other. Also, I tend to get melancholy in autumn which wears me down.
Who knows.
I know physically I'm tired from my Zumba class and not enough sleep. It was the first Zumba class I've ever taken, and I loved it. I'm going to go out of my way to take it consistently now.
I'm also mentally and emotionally tired though. I need a break. First I need to figure out from what. However, that seems like too much work. I may have filled my calendar until it's busting at the seems, but still, status quo sounds easier. I'm already on that path so won't momentum carry me along?
Soon winter will be here and maybe then I'll relax and let things go. I'm planning a solstice party. I want to celebrate the solstices every year, and finally this year I got my act together for summer solstice. Now winter is upon us. I'm looking into a sommelier. Winter doesn't technically start until after that - so then I'll let things go and relax - maybe.
If I was one to nap I'd do that now, but I'm not so I'll eat some sugar and suffer through a couple more hours before calling it a night.
Here's to a great (and restful) weekend!

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