Monday, August 27, 2007

31 days of - the update

This week will mark the end of August and hence the end of ther 31 days of Shannon turning 31. How's it been? Eh.

I had high hopes that lists would be made (by me) of different, amusing (to me) things to do each day. But that was July 31st & August 1st.

By August 2nd I arrived in Texas to find AJ had bought a cake for me and had it decorated to read "to 31s." It was so nice! Unfortunately, only a few hours earlier I had run to the airport bathroom to dig a sugary snack out of my mouth before it made me puke. Since then I've been off sweets. Sure, I eat the occasional ice cream or chocolate toast but nothing else. No cakes, no solid chocolate, absolutely no chocolate covered graham crackers from Starbucks (see airport incident). I felt so bad I couldn't partake in the cake treat.

August 2nd marked a new age, one that would rock my 31 days of Shannon turning 31 to its core. It was morning sickness - well, all day sickness really. It took me a ridiculous number of days to learn the simple tricks to make life liveable. While in TX, I actually thought I was gonna get fired because there would not be enough sick days for me to take off 2+ months and I couldn't function as is. But once I learned that I just needed a snack or small meal (with some protein) every 2 hours, plus Pepcid at night to sleep (oh and Unisom) then I became human again. So I've been actually living the 31 days of Shannon eating, eating, sleeping, eating, eating, ugh I hate food & I'm tired.

I'm just now entering month three and hope the icky feeling will begin to taper off. I can't really be upset about my 31 days being hijacked. And the silver lining is that I've stopped obsessing. I live day by day, and sometimes 2hrs by 2hrs. It feels somewhat freeing, though I would still take obsessing over nauseau - duh. I'm just hoping as nausea fades (oh please let it fade) I will not replace my free time with obsessing. I hope this is a turning point, and a birthday present to myself.


Shannon said...

It's a fabulous birthday present! And we'll still celebrate, so don't feel quite hijacked yet!

Anonymous said...