Wednesday, August 01, 2007

31 Flavors

No, it’s not another blog about cupcakes. There are plenty of full-time cupcake blogs out there. I cannot, nor do I want to, compete with those. Guess again?
No, it’s not about Baskin Robbins ice cream, or ice cream in general. In fact, it’s not about food at all. At least I don’t think so. Sometimes my blog entries surprise me by where they end up.
Okay, so what’s my other favorite thing to blog about, other than random lists? I do love lists. Birthdays! Specifically, and selfishly, my birthday.

Today is August 1st. And that begins the 31 days of Shannon turning 31. I’m taking the idea from AJ, though I’m rather certain she’s never named any of her April month-long birthday celebrations. She does celebrates the entire month though, and so shall I. I’m just not sure how I’ll be celebrating each day, but I will find a way. Everything will culminate on or near the 30th of course, but I will also have to plan something for the 31st so the final day is not anti-climactic.
If you have celebration ideas, send them my way. So far everything sounds like too much work – like cooking and baking ideas. Trouble is, I spoil myself all the time. At least, I think I do. Rarely is there something I don’t do, buy or eat if I really want to. So finding 31 special things may be difficult. I'm not even sure what today will hold. We’ll see.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday month :)

Shannon said...

Happy birthday month today, too!

Shannon said...

and today!