Monday, July 23, 2007


What do you think of, or really what do you hear when you see "Ha-Ha." At first I heard part of a belly laugh ha-ha-ha. But now, now I hear a mocking phrase, something that Bart or Homer Simpson might say "ha-ha."
D & I went to Yellow Springs this weekend to eat, shop and ride our bikes on the Little Miami Bike path. We arrived just before lunchtime so we walked up and down the streets checking out the stores. Each store promised to be even more exciting than the last with names like Pangea Trading Co., Garden of the Goddess, and Asian Imports. But alas, for the most part each store had the same kitchy stuff and none were memorable. We didn't go into the art galleries, but I'd hope there we would have found more original and interesting items for sale.
After shopping, we headed to Ha-Ha Pizza. It was directly beside the bike path, and seemed like a better option than the Winds Cafe which would have been more of a sit-down, fullservice place. We took a seat in the only open booth, and waited. Finally we grabbed menus, and the owner/waiter noticed us and apologized. He got our drink order, and then our pizza order. This took longer than I would have liked, but I was obeying the sign on above the salad bar which read something like "quality takes time, please be patient." Hmmm. That should have been a sign.
We watched pizzas come out, wondering how long those people had waited. We saw people get up and leave because they were never helped, and we saw a family get the wrong item only to have its replacement out within 10 minutes. So a pizza CAN indeed be made in 10 minutes there. How long for our two 9-inch pizzas? FORTY minutes! Yes, 40 minutes! Really? And it wasn't even that good. I have the nasty-assed leftovers in my fridge if you don't believe me. Ugh. We wasted all of our hiking time there. I would have rather frequented the Subway across the street. Rowr! I was not a happy camper. And as we left, I noticed all the health code violations going on in the kitchen. Great.
After that, I had food and anger energy for biking. We headed out, but after about 6 miles we realized we were nearly out of time, at least if we still wanted to get ice cream at Young's Dairy. So we turned around, biked to ice cream, then headed back to the car and home. I don't think I'll be visiting Yellow Springs again in the near future. I'm quite disillusioned by the place - on the surface it's so cute and holds such potential! Next time, I'm heading north to the Kokosing bike path.

I find that I'm biking at least twice a month. Honestly, I like hiking better but I think the change in routine is good now and then. I walk all week on the treadmill or around town, so biking is a nice change, I just prefer hiking.

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