Friday, November 23, 2007


I really am a grateful person, and while I may not put that gratitude out into the universe often enough, I do think about it and feel it very often. However, I'm not big into Thanksgiving. For one, I'm vegetarian. And the holiday seems to revolve around the food more than giving thanks - at least from the circles I see. Being vegetarian and hence a little anti the holiday has allowed me to conveniently latch onto another issue. I'm part native American so Columbus Day and Thanksgiving really represent the beginning of the end of part of my genetic culture. I think I'm just including that as some kind of disclaimer maybe. What I should say is that while I am grateful and I'm not big into Thanksgiving, I'm still sharing a list of what I'm thankful for. And I guess the timing is based purely on societal pressure and/or my need to fit in (or something). So much for standing on principle with the holiday.


As I sit here in my home, I feel like it's easy enough to start with what's physically closest to me. I am extremely grateful for our home. I'm grateful to have shelter let alone owning our home. It's taken a number of years, but I absolutely love this home now. We've made so many changes/repairs/upgrades recently and I'm grateful for those opportunities and the results.

I'm grateful for the little furry bodies resting around me. They are not the most behaved little animals but they are sweet and endearing and I love them. They enrich my life. Because of them I can't take anything too seriously - especially any hang-ups I may have over material items.

Though living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, I recognize the poverty that exists here and elsewhere. I'm not only incredibly grateful for our financial security.

Of course any financial security we have is in large part due to our jobs. I'm thankful for my job. I'm thankful for having had the courage to make the changes I did last year. Because of those this year has been new, exciting, and certainly full of learning. I'm also thankful for D's job - mainly because he loves it. He's made a number of changes and finally he's someplace he loves that doesn't treat him poorly.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a parent, and to be carrying what shows all signs of being a healthy baby. In the past two weeks I've had both an ultrasound and a heartbeat check and all seems well. I'm feeling good, and I'm excited for the baby to actually arrive.

I'm thankful for my husband, D. He's my very best friend and knows me better than anyone. We'll be celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2008! That's flown by too. I'm thankful to have found my partner so early in life, and that we communicate as well as we do.

I'm thankful for my family and friends. I have somewhat of a small family and we're spread all over the country. On top of that we're not all that close. I'm still thankful to have them though, and I'm thankful for my friends because I think of them as family.

I can't honestly think of anything for which I'm not thankful. I feel like my list is short but it's either list the big ones and stop or keep going on and on and on. I'm happy with my life and of course like many/most other people I can get greedy and want more and more. Overall though, I am happy and feel like I have more than my fair share of blessings.

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