Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I'm officially an entrepreneur. I have one business up and running (Full Circle Editorial & Research) though I've only had one job so far. I'm hoping to help out on another one in the near future and supposedly all my contacts will have stuff available in the fall. I'm biding my time and remaining hopeful. I don't need a ton of work - leftover scraps and filling in gaps are perfect for my schedule.
I'm using this downtime to get my second business started (name is not set though I'm leaning towards one - stay tuned). This would be my t-shirt business. D helped me map out an 8-month plan to have t-shirts in hand. I need them by mid-May at the latest so I can take them to vendors starting at the end of May. This month I'm supposed to fill out my art specifications and locate artists. I'm workin' on it. I have had some referrals over the past few months and have been getting a few more. This afternoon, procrastinator that I am, I decided I needed a logo to sit atop my art specs. Surely there was a way to get one quickly online - yep there is. Logo Maker lets you build one using their graphics & fonts (and Pantone colors). You can invite friends to vote on your logo options (they do not have to sign up for anything which I like). Then once you are settled on one you purchase it. The cost is really reasonable. I may have a logo as early as tomorrow. Exciting. Now if J will adapt to the new nap time location I'll have time to work on the specs!
I've honestly spent the last couple weeks stuck. I've been spending too much time on Facebook and LinkedIn. I've researched tons of things on the Internet and spent way too much time on IM. I need to be more focused. I think I will be. I do have the 8-month plan. So now I will not get lost surfing the web trying to figure out where to start and what to do first (t-shirts). And I will not stare blankly at my Gmail account, continually hitting Refresh in hopes a job has fluttered into my InBox or someone has joined my LinkedIn network. I have a plan, in list form no less. I'm ready!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Good luck with your business endeavors :)

Blogging "regularly" eludes me, too.