Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Rather than do one super long bullet-list of updates, I'll just do a handful of hopefully better thought out entries. I just can't seem to get to this site often enough to avoid the list. So now this blog is becoming a list of lists.

J.O.T. - yeah, that's the boy. He's getting big. I'm losing track of days, but early last week we noticed J has a tooth. His first tooth at 5 1/2 months old. It's his bottom right and his bottom left is next. In fact, based on the rash he had yesterday, I'll expect it to break the surface by Friday. He had a rash now almost 2 weeks ago and I rushed him into the doctor for it. We re-washed all his clothing after a diagnosis of contact dermatitis and re-reading of the laundry detergent instructions. With the soap being concentrated and having new high efficiency machines I was overdoing it by using the same amount I always have with regular soap & machines. I was using nearly 3x the amount I should have been.
Even with the overuse of soap my mother insisted that the rash was due to his tooth. She's "seen it a million times before." Well, yesterday it re-appeared and both the doctor and mom say the second tooth is ready. So if we're following a rash then tooth pattern then as I stated the tooth should break the skin by Friday. We'll see.
Tomorrow is our second visit with the Help Me Grow (HMG) specialist. J was automatically qualified for the county program due to his NICU diagnosis at birth. It wasn't a diagnosis that affects him now at all except that it puts him at risk for developmental delays. HMG's early childhood specialist comes out 1x a month to assess his development. So far so good. Tomorrow she may not get to work with him though as it's prime nap time.
Naps - that's a whole other can of worms these days. Since he'll outgrow his swing within another inch of height, and because we're traveling in a couple weeks, I decided he needed to start taking naps in his crib. He thinks this is a terrible idea. I don't understand - he sleeps there all night. He's getting about 1/4 the nap time he should be because he's spending it fussing, writhing about in frustration, playing, and screaming/crying. It has my nerves frazzled. I hate to hear him cry but when I walk in to pat his belly and calm him down half the time he giggles. I'm being played! I'm trying to be strong and stay out of the room until he falls asleep but when he gets to the screaming/crying part I have to go in and soothe him. Tomorrow is day 3 of the process. I had heard babies adapt in 3 days - I think he's on a slightly longer term plan but we'll see. I'm hopeful AND tenacious!
What else . . . oh, yes - RICE. J has started on solid foods. He's had rice cereal now for about a week and I think tomorrow or Friday we'll move on to oatmeal. He's doing really well and seems to really like it. He gobbles it up. I really have to watch for his subtle 'I'm full' signs, if that's what they are. He's not mastered the feeling full thing yet at all.
Grandma & Grandpa were here last weekend for my birthday. However it was J that got all the gifts. We made a stop at Toys-R-Us and he made out like a bandit. We're holding back some of the toys so he'll get new things every so often, not that I think he necessarily notices. I do know he gets bored with toys though, but after a few weeks he normally will like them again and play with them in a whole new way (like his playmat). We've already had to move his exersaucer height up a notch. It seems like only a week or two ago that he fit in it at all and now he's outgrown a notch! He really is growing so fast. The time is flying as all you moms (and dads) out there can surely attest to.
More updates later.

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