Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My idea - morphed and spreading

Yesterday I had an idea for the baby shower being thrown for me in February. It stemmed from two things. One, my family and friends keep bugging me about the envelope on my fridge. The one in which the doctor wrote the baby's sex. It started as a compromise (in my mind) with D. He wanted to know, but I didn't. So in case I changed my mind (or he changed it) we had the doctor write it down for us. I've since had people say this is more like torture than compromise - I can see that. Two, is that opening that envelope, while tempting seems like it will end up being anti-climatic. It seems more worthwhile to just wait and get the surprise at delivery. We've considered finding a special occasion to open it, but so far nothing seemed to fit - until yesterday.

The idea started with the consideration that we just open the envelope at the shower with our friends and family. That didn't seem exciting enough though so I thought perhaps someone could win the chance to open it. I mulled over the idea all day and eventually it solidified into something.

The final idea (final for the most part) is that we raffle (or auction) the chance to open the envelope. The "winner" has three choices. 1) Choose that the sex still remain secret until deliver. 2) Open the envelope and share the news with everyone. 3) Choose to share the information only with D & I - and of course themselves. The proceeds from the raffle/auction would go to a charity. Though one has not yet been decided, it would be a children's charity and perhaps one tied to our safari theme (hence an African children's charity).

I told my mom about it and she didn't really "get it." She didn't seem to think anyone would be interested and seemed to wonder what would be in it for everyone. I was a little disappointed. But on the flipside, both the friend I told and my sister-in-law think it's a great idea. My sister-in-law even seemed to find the idea inspirational for her job. So the idea has now morphed and it's spreading. So hopefully in the end, the idea helps a number of charities and hence people.

So here is the question (or here are the questions) I'm posing to you - all of you reading this. What do you think? Do you side with my mom in wondering what's in it for the guests? Why bother? Or do you side with the other two in thinking it's a great idea? Oh, and raffle or auction? I'm getting very hung up on that one so I might as well get everyone's input on that too.


Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea. I guess I'd lean more toward raffle than auction, mainly because it seems like it would be simpler to organize and I also think you'd get more people involved.

Shannon said...

Sorry I'm so late. I'm just catching up on my blog reading from the holidays!

I think it's a great idea. However, I personally wouldn't want to be the one to open something so important... it would make me feel weird, I think.