Sunday, December 09, 2007

We're crazy

We were called crazy for out daytrip yesterday - that may be an accurate accusation. We got up bright and early, on a tight timeline for the day. We had already picked up our medium-sized, rented moving truck. We didn't need one 16ft long, but it was all they had available. We were already late arriving at our first stop - the daybed. I was so excited it was already taken apart! All that was left was loading it up. That bought us some time for the day, which was good because from the start I'd forgotten to actually allot ANY time for food stops or shopping stop two. [The daybed is replacing our current queen-sized guestbed. There's no room it with all the baby stuff and fortunately we've already sold it on Craigslist.]

Our second stop was at Sofa Express Outlet. Apparently all the Sofa Express are closing so we were hoping for extra deals at the outlet also. Lots of items DID have extra percentages off which was good. We found a total of three rocker recliners, all the same style but different colors. Unfortunately something was wrong with each one. The sage chair's reclining mechanism was broken, and the tan chair's arm was cracked and did not appear fixable. The third chair was in good shape but had cream fabric. Hmmm, 3 cats, 3 dogs, and a baby with cream fabric. We decided since we were doing cream rugs we might as well invest in some Scotchguard and get the chair. It was a good deal & I've been really particular about the style so I was worried I would not find something else suitable. The chair was a hoped for but unexpected buy. Yeah! It was also the last item on the baby furniture "find" list.

Now the longest part of our drive - the leg to Ikea. It wasn't that bad but it was a little boring with no radio stations coming in, and no tape player for our iPod and no cd player either. We were making good time though and we were on-track with my pre-established timeline for the day. Whew!
So what's up with the insane traffic in and around the Robinson Town Center? Shopping traffic does not seem to exist like that here - is it the hills???? Our only option for lunch was Steak & Shake (not a vegetarian's first pick - at least not this one's). Once at Ikea, we got through out list rather quickly. We opted out of getting a bookcase, but found a desk and eventually settled on an armoire for the baby. It's not the one I wanted, but I was convinced it could be made to look similar but would be easier for D to paint. So I compromised and I do think it will work out just fine.

Next we were heading north to pick up our dog. She's elderly now, and goes on hunger strikes when boarded. She's also too thin, so hunger strikes aren't a good idea for her. So she stays with my parents and had been vacationing there for the past two weeks. We were meeting my mom just off the interstate we needed to take home. This was the final item on our to-do list. Next was the final leg, to take us full circle - home.

It was 12-hours (tiring hours) of driving & shopping, but we got everything on our list. We nearly beat the freezing rain - it started when we were about 50 minutes from home. We managed to back the truck into the driveway without incident. Then finally, this morning the dogs let us sleep-in before having to make space for all our goods, unload them, and then return the truck!

I'm so tired. Poor D is working late - poor me, my quantity of sleep will also be affected. But the dogs look tired, maybe I'll be able to get them to bed early with me.
I know I'm whiny. The day was really productive though and necessary. I'm glad it went so well, and I'm really glad it's done!

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