Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Yeah, you're right . . .

Maybe if I blogged more often I would not do blog-lists. This is not the blogging lifestyle I want!

I’ve started hiking. Okay, it’s really walking long distances on paths – clear, mainly flat, paths. But anything over 3 miles I call hiking! First was Hocking Hills, and then this past weekend was John Bryan State Park. I’d like to also walk here more often at either the MetroParks or the gym. I'm taking the lazy days of summer cliche literally.

I've continued with my introductory art classes. I took a mini-watercolor class this past weekend. I did only one painting - an orange & grapefruit from a dish detergent bottle. The class wasn't for beginners or possibly painters at all. We only had roughly 15 minutes out of 2 hours to paint. I was a little annoyed, but at the same time happy because I was not being asked to get out of my comfort zone and paint. But not so far below the surface, I knew I would be much more intimidated on my own at home; the inner critic would be very loud there and I wanted to paint more at class in hopes of silencing her a bit

I'm a bit frustrated. There is a certain someone I want to help. But they won't let me, or can't. I'm not sure. I definitely don't know what else to say to them. And I'm also not sure what I can do. We've talked about things before, a number of times. I've been concerned for awhile, that might surprise them, but probably not. Oddly enought, help is a grey area. What IS help - is it what's best for the person or what they ask for? If those things match, great. What about when they don't? What about when they don't ask for help at all? Do you jump in and help anyway or wait to be asked? I was actually discussing that very point with someone the other day. Their point-of-view was you do not help people (adults) unless they ask because people cannot be helped until they asked for it. I disagreed, and pointed out that the saying is actually people cannot be helped until they accept help. It doesn't matter if they ask for it, just that they accept it. Can I just DO something? Why do I wait? What am I waiting for? Have I been waiting??? Could I have helped earlier? If I don't just do something now, will I ask these questions continually for months or years to come? Yes, maybe that's how it's been going so far. So how do you help someone who won't accept it? Isn't that what exists when the consensus says help = X and the person needing it says it doesn't?

It's old news now, but D is back from Vegas. He wasn't a big winner this time. I personally think the mojo was all off because Jenn was sick. Poor Jenn. She is feeling better now, finally. It's amazing what stress can do to your body. Really amazing, and scary.

We've made a home improvement schedule for the summer - sorta. We've at least settled on what will be on the docket. We've got remodeling the bathroom, 1/4 round up throughout the house, our little outside office cleaned out (it's currently a storage space - watch out Craigslist here we come), having the air ducts & furnace cleaned, redoing the front porch, getting a stair runner installed (I'm so tired of carrying dogs up the stairs!), plus some landscaping and painting. Whew! That's a sizeable list. The reward? Playa del Carmen, Mexico this fall. : )

We have one other trip planned in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to it though it will probably be a pain in the ass. Family + Moving + Heat cannot possibly = fun. We're moving D's mom from Virginia to Texas. It's not the actual move of course, it's how particular and cranky everyone becomes during the move. There will be the occaisional tug-of-war over our time that always exists with family visits. But it'll be fun because I'll get to see AJ & K, little Tori & Joe, and maybe cousin Lori too. Not to imply I will not enjoy seeing everyone else too, I feel bad calling out a few and not the rest . . . J, J, J, A, N, C, and anyone else!

Why do I spell out some names and others? To protect the innocent? To protect the villanous? I'm not sure why. Mainly I abbreviate names like AJ, D, and T because the are the only ones in my life with those letters and I've become accustom to shortening them in emails, etc. I also don't like listing out unusual names it seems like a spotlight on them, one they didn't ask for. More common names fade into the text, you may not be sure which Jen or Joe I'm speaking about.

AND this is plenty long now. Later.

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