Monday, April 23, 2007


I started watching The Dog Whisperer. I have a backlog of nearly a dozen episodes (on my DVR). I watched another tonight. The foundation is walking.
So tonight the walks began. We only went around the block (the big block); it took about 20 minutes. Zulu and Cleo started off with me. Jeremy was with D. About halfway through we swapped dogs.
For the first night they weren't that bad. Z & Cleo behaved right away (sorta). I knew J would be an issue, and he was. It actually got worse. Only a few feet from home, he mustered all his energy to hop on his hind legs towards a squirrel.
The walks will continue - and soon with new leashes. The current leash situation made walking just that much more difficult.
Stay tuned.
Miraculously well-behaved dogs on the horizon!

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