Saturday, October 18, 2008

baby J is 7 months today

Yesterday baby J had his 7-month doctor appointment. This is not an appointment most babies have, but we opted to spread out the vaccination schedule so we go every month. Well, we did. He gets a break for 8-months and we'll see what happens for nine. I need to get out my book and read up and then have a lengthy discussion with our doctor. I'm really happy with our choice in pediatricians. She is very candid when discussing which vaccinations she would not be happy with J skipping or delaying and which she is okay with him not getting.
I'm really torn about vaccinations. Reading the literature on both sides is confusing enough but having a study come out saying there is no proof vaccinations are linked to autism at the same time a family is awarded a settlement saying they are linked muddies the water even further. Personally, I think it's probably a mix of things like genetic predisposition, but also including all the toxins in vaccines and our environment. I figure it's better safe than sorry - on both fronts. J is supposed to get 3x the number of vaccines I got as a baby. That's a lot. We've ended up going with something less than the AAP says is a must but still far more than what I had.
This was the first visit in which J had a vaccine reaction too. :( He was cranky all day and seemed to just feel cruddy, plus had a belly ache which was apparent by the very messy diapers and poor little red bum. He woke up a number of times in the night and now is taking extra long naps today. Unfortunately I'm not.
Baby J is growing so fast! He weighed in nearly 2lbs heavier than last month and is nearing 20lbs! (actual weight 18lbs 15oz) They didn't do a height since it was not a "regular" well baby appointment.

I've been making baby food for him now for just over a month. He had a reaction to broccoli, but has enjoyed everything else. Tonight we try beets. I have roasted them and pureed them into an absolutely beautiful shade of red. Now I just need to choose my least favorite bib for him to wear and ruin tonight.
D & I have been eating the same food as J each week. Fresh sweet corn & avocado were first. Butternut squash is not in our normal repertoire so I googled some recipes. We had butternut squash & apple au gratin which was VERY tasty. For the edammame we had an Asian crunch salad (Asian coleslaw essentially - also very yummy). Tonight for the beets we are adding some feta and vinaigrette for a beet salad to accompany our hummus, flat bread and olives. I'm sure it will be delightful. I'm not sure what veggie is on the docket for next week. Maybe I'll let you all decide!

J is almost crawling. Last night I heard my name being yelled and I raced up the stairs. D claimed J took two "steps" (or whatever you call crawling). He did not repeat it for me nor has he done any forward movement this morning. Soon though, very soon.
I bought him some baby legwarmers from etsy last week. I plan to get some fabric paint to add traction. It's so sad to see him struggle on a moving rug or sliding on our hardwood floors. I'll be creating a Penn State leg warmer out of the navy pair I bought, and an argyle one from the tan. I need to de-girl the Family Guy pair that has Brian in a pink collar with pink flowers around it. I'm just going to cover all the pink in red and black. The fourth pair is checkered - think Nascar flag. D hates these, but too bad. I think they're perfect for keeping his little legs warm while he learns to crawl - and beyond!


Shannon said...

I love squash. And pears. That's my vote.

I keep meaning to start researching the vaccinations issue but it's so big and intimidating and I'm scared to start because I know I won't know what to do.

Shannon said...

I waited until the last minute too. A week before J's 2 month appointment I rushed around to get a book and start reading. The internet was too overwhelming.
I also waited until the last minute to find a pediatrcian, only a week or two before J was born. I'm always a procrastinator though.