Monday, October 13, 2008

bedtime story

a bedtime story . . .

Once upon a time,
in a land nearby
there was a Papa with puppies.
But the puppies were bad
and they made Papa sad,
nipping and biting all over the land.

Papa called and he wrote
and he prayed and he hoped
the man who could whisper the ways
to make the puppies sit, down and stay
would come his way.

Cats meow and basenjis sing
both waiting for the phone to ring
or the email to ding.

For a new alpha in town
Papa was ready to buckle down.
There'd be work to do,
but it's all for you.

A new day will dawn
as the lazy cats yawn
and the new pack leaders will be
Papa, baby J and me.

The End.

1 comment:

Martha-Lynn said...

I finally, after puzzling over the name of your blog for a long, long, time, looked up the word "basenji" on Wikipedia.

May I just say that it makes a lot more sense now? ;'}