Saturday, October 25, 2008

Massive Melancholy

'Tis the season - for melancholy. I absolutely love fall but it makes me melancholy because I do not love winter. It's not the snow, or the craziness of the holidays - it's the darkness. It's the painfully dry and cold air that assaults my nose all season.
The crisp fall air is refreshing, especially after a stifling August. Not that I'd categorize this past August as stifling, though we certainly could have used more rain. The smell of the fall leaves is almost as delightful as their color. I relish the change of my closet - bringing the sweaters down from the attic and packing up the sandals. By fall my feet are as ready to be cozy in socks & shoes as they are ready to be free each spring.

I'm especially melancholy today because though my hubby does not leave for his business trip until tomorrow I really will not see him anymore until he returns. He got tickets to the PSU/OSU game and will be home very late. His flight is insanely early so he'll get most of his sleep on the plane. I would rather see him off at the airport than have things operate this way. I hate saying good-bye knowing the person is still around and I could be soaking up more time in their company. Frankly that adds to the melancholy. I'm happy I will see him for a few moments tonight and again in the wee hours of the morning. And in reality four days or so is not that long. I'm even luckier because my mom is coming to stay and keep me company.

I plan to spend my four D-free days working on my scrapbooks, recovering a couple chairs, and getting ready for Halloween. Oh, and of course hanging out with baby J and my mom. I managed to squeeze in an extra physical therapy appointment too (that's a whole other blog). So there are good points, but I will still miss my vbff, D, while he is away.

We are . . . PENN STATE!


Anonymous said...

Well, although the Penn State game was a sad one for Buckeye fans, I'm glad D got to enjoy it. It would suck to pay for tickets to a big game only to have your team lose.

Shannon said...

He did enjoy it. And the tickets were a gift - there's no way I'd be behind spending the kind of money those tickets go for!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shannon, can you send me your email address again? I want to send you an invite to my blog, but I think I lost your address when we had our hard drive wiped.