Saturday, October 25, 2008

DeQuervain's tenosynovitis

That's what I have . . . DeQuervain's tenosynovitis plus a case of intersection syndrome. Fun.

Basically, DeQuervain's tenosynovitis is common in new mothers I read. And carrying J is how I've gotten it. It started when he was 2 months old and was not large enough to sit on my hip and look forward. So I held him facing out with his back against me. Once the right wrist was inflamed, I switched hands thinking that would give the right time to heal. Well, the left is weaker so instead it rapidly became inflamed. That was May. By August my forearms were hurting and I went to the doctor. Tendonitis was the diagnosis and I left with a script for some NSAIDs. I took those daily and wore the recommended wrist braces. The meds helped but then the Rx ran out the pain came back exactly as bad as it had been.
I asked for a referral and saw an orthopedic a couple weeks ago. Now I'm wearing massive wrist braces with metal splints inside. Very pretty. At least they're black which does go with everything. I also have 6 weeks of physical therapy.

I really wasn't look forward to physical therapy. I've gone for my knee in the past. I'm not good at doing the homework so it was a waste of time. My bad, I know. So far though my wrists are so inflammed that I only have stretches - super simple stretches! I'm actually remembering to do them. Icing on the other hand, well, I haven't done that once. I know I should but I just never remember when I actually have time.
The appointments are cool. I have ultrasound done which heats up the tendons making them feel MUCH better. They feel better than any anti-inflammatory every made them feel. Then I stretch and do stregnth stuff . . . then the dreaded ice. Oh, yeah I may not have mentioned I hate icing too so there's that too.
That's the wrist issue. I really hope to get a handle on this and actually cure it. I need to be able to function better than I am now.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, Shannon--that sounds crappy. You sound in good spirits about it, though. I'm sure I would be a whiney baby, especially if I had to take care of a little guy all day long. It can't be easy to get around with J with pain in both your wrists.

Tammie said...

Hey S,

I saw your snapfish photos. I spent a minute or two explaining to the Nepali woman who owned the internet cafe that the photos were of my friend's son, not my son : ) So my big he crawling yet?? Let me know.
