In 2009, you'll receive a lot of help, some unexpected, whenever you phase out your trivial desires so that you can better pursue your truly important desires. The coming months will also be an excellent time to shed unrealistic fantasies so you can be freer to concentrate on the realistic kind. While these are not quite once-in-a lifetime opportunities, Virgo, they may be the once-in-a-decade variety. Why not draw up a plan for how you can take maximum advantage of the specific luck that will be flowing your way?
Trivial desires and unrealistic fantasies . . . ouch, that stings. And I can't get help until I phase them out, huh. Well, I think I know the latter, but I'm not sure about the former. Believe it or not I don't actually like introspection which I this seems to require. What are my trivial desires?
Okay, how about a real question for you . . . I need pronoun help. What is "these" referring to . . . "these are not quite once-in-a lifetime opportunities, Virgo, they may be the once-in-a-decade variety?" I'm really not sure but it seems intriguing.
I am curious to learn what type of help I'll be receiving if I can become more realistic. Sounds petty, but . . . I could especially use some help in getting my house clean and keeping it that way. I could also use some super-duper professional help with my pack of basenjis. A certain someone would like the herd culled sooner than later and this notion out into the universe returns in the form of injury and disease. That's not cool. It's not cool for my furkids or for us. Our one basenjis is on so many pills it's ridiculous. How did my parents manage to have nice elderly pets who seemed to never be on any meds? He's got opiates, muscle relaxers, antibiotics, anti-diarrhea, steroids, and thyroid (I think that's it). Goodness that's a lot and so no wonder he's not himself but instead a big jerk. Off the meds he's mopey because he's in pain. Ugh. Again, the pets I had growing up never had any issues like this! WTH!?!?!
Well, even if I'm still clinging to fantasy for now, at least I do have the plan. I have my vision board done. I did one last year but never got it printed off the computer. This year I have a poster board on my closet door. I used a 9-square feng shui bagua as a back drop this year and categorized all my clippings accordingly. I love it. I keep looking at it, which I guess is part of the point. The rest of the point? Not sure, but I guess just to get those ideas into the universe as well as into my consciousness and subconsciousness.
Happy New Year!
Okay, how about a real question for you . . . I need pronoun help. What is "these" referring to . . . "these are not quite once-in-a lifetime opportunities, Virgo, they may be the once-in-a-decade variety?" I'm really not sure but it seems intriguing.
I am curious to learn what type of help I'll be receiving if I can become more realistic. Sounds petty, but . . . I could especially use some help in getting my house clean and keeping it that way. I could also use some super-duper professional help with my pack of basenjis. A certain someone would like the herd culled sooner than later and this notion out into the universe returns in the form of injury and disease. That's not cool. It's not cool for my furkids or for us. Our one basenjis is on so many pills it's ridiculous. How did my parents manage to have nice elderly pets who seemed to never be on any meds? He's got opiates, muscle relaxers, antibiotics, anti-diarrhea, steroids, and thyroid (I think that's it). Goodness that's a lot and so no wonder he's not himself but instead a big jerk. Off the meds he's mopey because he's in pain. Ugh. Again, the pets I had growing up never had any issues like this! WTH!?!?!
Well, even if I'm still clinging to fantasy for now, at least I do have the plan. I have my vision board done. I did one last year but never got it printed off the computer. This year I have a poster board on my closet door. I used a 9-square feng shui bagua as a back drop this year and categorized all my clippings accordingly. I love it. I keep looking at it, which I guess is part of the point. The rest of the point? Not sure, but I guess just to get those ideas into the universe as well as into my consciousness and subconsciousness.
Happy New Year!