purring, eyes wide, hair on end
let's play - chase me
squeaking and chortling
hopping sideways down the hall
we're playing- come on
running - gaining speed
take flight jumping on the bed
waiting - play with me
. . . musings on life and all the people, places, and things I love.
Everyone asks me how I'm feeling. Maybe because I felt so crappy for so long. Well, I feel good though last week I felt squished. I’m very short-waisted and my belly must have expanded yet again recently because I’m feeling like I have more room. It’s cyclical, and there seem to be a few days here and there where the belly hasn’t caught up yet and my insides feel quite squished and uncomfortable. I’m hoping to make it through this month, if not beyond for doing shots in the belly. The thighs may end up being a fine place, but I’m used to the belly and hesitant about change. I have to do these the whole time so there’ll be plenty to go around for the belly, legs and arms. Fun times.
I’m not really having any crazy cravings. I have noticed in general that my appetite has increased in the past week or so. For instance, instead of a sandwich for dinner, I really feel like a need an extra ½ sandwich to go with it. I barely gained any weight at my last ob appointment (only 1lb) but I think it will even out when I go in this month. I think I will finally have out-gained D who has been keeping up and actually surpassing me with his sympathy weight gain. I appear to only be gaining weight in my belly which one the many, many, many old wives tales says that means I’m having a boy. We did have our ultrasound, but could not agree on finding out vs. not finding out (the sex). I was the hesitant one, so as a compromise (which I’m not told is actually torture) we had the doctor write it down and seal it in an envelope. That way if I change my mind we can open it and know. Part of me does want to know, but part of me is enjoying the self-control I’m emitting. It’s a challenge against myself. The longer we wait, of course the more I think it’s “safe” to look (as in we won’t be bombarded with only pink or blue clothes) but also that it’s less worthwhile because we’re closer to just having the surprise.
Back to cravings, while I don’t think I have any cravings I do have a lack of them. I used to crave chocolate daily – especially dark chocolate. Now I find dark chocolate (most of it anyway) rather tasteless. Not that I’m really into milk chocolate now, I’m just not that into chocolate. I haven’t been doing sweets nearly as much as before I was pregnant. I guess that’s better. I must say that yesterday we went to Jamba Juice for lunch and the smell of fresh oranges was nearly intoxicating. I smelled them again at work today – not sure why, maybe someone had a gift basket. I like orange juice, but not oranges. They’re way too much work. But I can’t stop thinking about them, and now I want one. I guess I could just juice it and have fresh OJ. That’s as close to cravings as I’ve come though since before I knew I was pregnant. I had an overwhelming need for kalamata olives (which I was actually only just learning to like) so I bought a big container and munched down a handful of them. By the next day they were once again nearly appalling . . . and I quickly moved on to a cupcake obsession.
We went to
Well, the midnight headlight
Find you on a rainy night
Steep grade up ahead
Slow me down makin' no time
I gotta keep rollin'
Those windshield wipers
Slappin' out a tempo
Keepin' perfect rhythm
With the song on the radio
Gotta keep rollin'
Yesterday, I honestly felt like my entire life was driving. I could not be a professional driver. We managed to do no traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday. We missed all the driving traffic on Wednesday by staying home, and eluded Black Friday shoppers for the most part. But we literally drove right into holiday traffic Sunday evening. It wasn’t pretty.
Finally we reached an exit, only 2 before ours. We’d finally hit the 50mph mark so we decided it was best to keep on rollin’. As we exited the interstate and began the last leg into town and hence home, the Eddie Rabbit song I have a portion of above began to play. It was still raining, the windshield wipers were indeed slappin’ out a tempo that kept perfect rhythm with his song on the well, the iPod.
I haven’t felt like I’ve had a lot of spare time lately, so hence not much blog time. Of course the lapse in time lends itself perfectly to a list-style blog entry.
I went to CPK for ACG’s birthday today. I had leftovers that I had to graffiti with my name and the date. T recently had her CPK leftover pizza stolen from the refrigerator. Who does that? What has our work environment turned into? So as the afternoon slump hit, my mind turned to a slice of pizza as a snack and pick-me-up. I envisioned walking into the pantry, opening the door and my pizza being gone. Then I’d have to walk the halls – each and ever row – looking for the box in someone’s trash. I’d find it of course and leave huge red-Sharpie notes all over the cubicle stating “Caught!” and “THIEF.” I even went so far as to contemplate taking my cell phone so I could get a picture of the perp and post it on the fridge for all to see. Lucky for the potential perp, the pizza was safe and sound – and yummy.
I went to
The weekend was okay. It was sweltering and I was sick most of the time. But I got a lot of quality time with
I went to . . . nowhere. I just wanted to start yet another sentence like that to be lame. Ha! We had our air ducts cleaned yesterday. I was super excited about this and could have overlooked the turning off of our A/C for a few hours during the hottest part of the day on possibly the hottest day of the year. However, I could not overlook the smell. Apparently they backed their diesel spewing truck up to the house to hook the hoses up to, and then the house proceeded to fill with diesel fumes. Nice. WTF? Can the company not swing getting their trucks exhausts taken care of? Really? Will it be cheaper to clean my house when I call and rant at them? It’s disgusting. The downstairs still smelled this morning and some of my things smell too. And these are things I brought home after work, when the truck was long gone. Rowr!
You may be wondering (or maybe not) how our other home improvements are going. The front porch is nearly done, just needs painted. The bathrooms have quotes in the mail. I think landscaping is off the list now. It’s rather late in the season, and it’s been too hot and dry for our poor plants anyway. Next year we’ll do more on that front and maybe add a hammock. The outside room has had all the stuff photographed so now we just need to put it all on Craigslist. A couple things may end up on Ebay, but really at this point it’s all about to end up in the front yard on trash day with a “FREE” sign on it. I want to be able to use my room! We’re planning to make it into an office/outdoor den. It’ll have an enormous TV that anyone is welcome to steal. It weighs like 200lbs and once it’s gone we’ll get a newer, nicer, lighter, locked down one. Somehow I think it’ll be safe and sound out there. Hmmm, what else? Oh yes. The stair runner is on order and installation will be scheduled soon. I’m super excited because our little dog, Zulu won’t go up the stairs on his own. He slips too much on the new wood and he’s afraid. So we have to carry him. It’s ridiculous and must stop.
Okay, that's it for now.
Main Entry: ob·ses·sion
Pronunciation: äb-'se-sh&n, &b-
Function: noun
1 : a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling
Cesar Milan, aka the Dog Whisperer, talks about obsession in dogs. Dogs that are obsessed with their shadows, water, running, barking, etc. These dogs he says are unbalanced. His remedy is always the same, okay normally the same. The dogs need to find their place in the pack and take comfort in that. Often times the dogs also need to expend energy and do work.
Is it the same with humans? Am I obsessing because I have too much pent-up energy or because I’m not fulfilling myself with work? Is it a flaw (bad) or a quirk (cute)? I’m not sure. Sometimes it feels like a weight and other times it feels fun – isn’t that how an addict would describe their drug though? That’s ominous.
Anyway, only two short months after my vacation I find myself obsessing again. Obsessing over finances, home repair, ancient Mayan ruins, even cupcakes to name just a few items. I can’t seem to just live each day for the sake of that day. I don’t feel stressed. I don’t feel stagnant. In reality I feel like I’m full of ideas and momentum.
So why can’t I just be? I’m good for awhile and then blah. As soon as I get what I’d been planning or obsessing over I just move on to something else. I was listening to a cd about being present and then I stopped. I was doing well; it was boring me; I stopped. I think I need to revisit the idea of being present. I’m an obsession junkie – a planning, research, organization, list-making junkie – and once I allow myself to do any such thing it snowballs. I can’t have even one list. Not one future desire my mind can continually re-focus on and analyze until it hurts.
I love dessert. I’m sure someone out there doesn’t, but I think they’re abnormal and quite frankly un-American. Our love of desserts, and overall addiction to sugary goodness might as well be placed in the constitution. Of course there are sides to be taken, and more than the traditional two parties. Do you favor cake, ice cream, candy or something else? Years ago while in Weight Watchers I decided I would cut out all desserts unless they were chocolate. Since chocolate is my favorite, if I was going to use the points it should be on that and that alone. It worked very well, but now I’ve begun to expand my dessert horizons. Chocolate has its place, but it’s also quite cliché. I’m multi-dimensional so how can I have but 1 dessert option?
Nearly nine years ago, I made a deal with my mom. I’d get married indoors, and hence within the Catholic dogma (long story short: we wanted to be married outdoors but my diocese wouldn’t allow that so the issue became outdoors vs. Catholic service) if my mother made the pie for our reception. Pie? Yes, pie. I’ve never been a huge fan of cake, or icing. But homemade, fruity pies are oh so delicious. With an August wedding, why not take advantage of the available fresh fruit and do pies – homemade pies? And so a deal was cut – pies for indoors. Done. Why am I relating this? Sigh. Did you miss the one sentence in there about cake? Yes, it’s true; I’m not a huge fan of cake still. I’m even more particular about icing. And cupcakes are indeed mini-cakes so why are they infiltrating my life, and why have I entered into a possible obsession over them?
I’m not sure where the idea of cupcakes first entered my consciousness (recently). At this month’s gallery hop, D & I strolled around looking at all kinds of artwork. I saw fewer than half a dozen pieces that I liked at all. One piece was a small 5x7 oil painting of a single chocolate cupcake with white frosting. I picked it up to get a closer look. We were in an antique store / art gallery and this piece was placed on a small table too close to the ground to see without picking it up or plopping my butt down. It was much too crowded for the latter. Of course the shop owner saw me, and came over eager to tell me all about the piece and its creator. I didn’t know the artist though the shop keeper told me her name as if I should. I was also told that this small painting was available for $600 and that in the front room a smaller, pink frosted cupcake by the same artist was available for $400. What? Seriously? Okay, in her defense, if there is a famous cupcake artist out there and I’m just ignorant then, fine – let me know. Personally, I had a moment not unlike some I’ve had in modern art museums where I think hmm, “I could do that.”
Maybe two weeks later, while shopping at Barnes & Nobles I swear I saw a sign about cupcakes. I went over to it, expecting books on cupcakes but there were none. I can no longer remember if the sign was a mirage or actually there. Well, the sign was actually there, but I can’t recall if it really mentioned cupcakes or not. Later that evening while unsuccessfully looking for a 5-ingredient (or fewer) vegetarian cookbook at Barnes & Noble, I found myself in the baking section so I decided to look for the elusive cupcake cookbook. There was only one, but it was quite cute. I had no plans to actually make cupcakes and had no need for the book so we headed to checkout with our other goods. As we were leaving, I was reminded that I had wanted a snack from their café (a pseudo Starbucks). And what did my eyes spy as I walked up? Cupcakes!!!! I bought two, one of each flavor (double fudge; lemon blueberry). The next morning I photographed them on various decorated plates – then I ate them. Yum.
This past Friday was the nationwide release date for Michael Moore’s new movie, Sicko. Michael Moore has taken the rank of most controversial film producer away from Oliver Stone and done so much more with the role. Love him, like him, or hate him he succeeds in at least getting you (and a good portion of the country) thinking, feeling and talking about issues. I’ve only seen two of his other films and they were quite a bit more partisan than Sicko, just based on where subject matter alone tends to fall politically. This film is far less partisan, thought I don’t think masses of conservatives will be flocking to see any
This film was on healthcare in the
We met person after person, via interviews, who were denied care by their providers. While doctors deemed tests and procedures necessary to diagnosis and treat their patients, the healthcare providers disagreed. In essence this section of the movie boiled down to a) insurance companies are making medical decisions for our doctors and b) some insurance companies have bonuses setup so those employees who save the company more and more money by denying care get higher bonuses & promotions.
Another portion of the movie looked at healthcare in other countries. The study
My thoughts on this are that if we even rank 1/2 as poorly as the study sites (#37) then we have 15-plus countries ranked higher than us that we could study to see what works and what doesn’t in their systems. We could take the best ideas and incorporate them into something amazing for ourselves and our fellow citizens. So in the end, I think the system is broken and does need fixed. But I don’t personally have any suggestions for how that should look. I know some of the problems and where changes might want to begin, but that’s it. I think most of us know where problems lie.
I believe the issue of healthcare is completely non-partisan. We all get sick; we all need good, reliable healthcare for ourselves, our friends, our families, our children. I really think we could make a change. The movie showed HMOs and healthcare as we know it having started in the early 1970s. That’s only 30 some years ago, so it shouldn’t be so ingrained in our society that it can’t change again.
See the movie. Let me know what you think. Better yet, let your representatives and senators know what you think – and your friends and families too.
Maybe if I blogged more often I would not do blog-lists. This is not the blogging lifestyle I want!
I’ve started hiking. Okay, it’s really walking long distances on paths – clear, mainly flat, paths. But anything over 3 miles I call hiking! First was Hocking Hills, and then this past weekend was
I've continued with my introductory art classes. I took a mini-watercolor class this past weekend. I did only one painting - an orange & grapefruit from a dish detergent bottle. The class wasn't for beginners or possibly painters at all. We only had roughly 15 minutes out of 2 hours to paint. I was a little annoyed, but at the same time happy because I was not being asked to get out of my comfort zone and paint. But not so far below the surface, I knew I would be much more intimidated on my own at home; the inner critic would be very loud there and I wanted to paint more at class in hopes of silencing her a bit
I'm a bit frustrated. There is a certain someone I want to help. But they won't let me, or can't. I'm not sure. I definitely don't know what else to say to them. And I'm also not sure what I can do. We've talked about things before, a number of times. I've been concerned for awhile, that might surprise them, but probably not. Oddly enought, help is a grey area. What IS help - is it what's best for the person or what they ask for? If those things match, great. What about when they don't? What about when they don't ask for help at all? Do you jump in and help anyway or wait to be asked? I was actually discussing that very point with someone the other day. Their point-of-view was you do not help people (adults) unless they ask because people cannot be helped until they asked for it. I disagreed, and pointed out that the saying is actually people cannot be helped until they accept help. It doesn't matter if they ask for it, just that they accept it. Can I just DO something? Why do I wait? What am I waiting for? Have I been waiting??? Could I have helped earlier? If I don't just do something now, will I ask these questions continually for months or years to come? Yes, maybe that's how it's been going so far. So how do you help someone who won't accept it? Isn't that what exists when the consensus says help = X and the person needing it says it doesn't?
It's old news now, but D is back from Vegas. He wasn't a big winner this time. I personally think the mojo was all off because Jenn was sick. Poor Jenn. She is feeling better now, finally. It's amazing what stress can do to your body. Really amazing, and scary.
We've made a home improvement schedule for the summer - sorta. We've at least settled on what will be on the docket. We've got remodeling the bathroom, 1/4 round up throughout the house, our little outside office cleaned out (it's currently a storage space - watch out Craigslist here we come), having the air ducts & furnace cleaned, redoing the front porch, getting a stair runner installed (I'm so tired of carrying dogs up the stairs!), plus some landscaping and painting. Whew! That's a sizeable list. The reward? Playa del Carmen, Mexico this fall. : )
We have one other trip planned in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to it though it will probably be a pain in the ass. Family + Moving + Heat cannot possibly = fun. We're moving D's mom from Virginia to Texas. It's not the actual move of course, it's how particular and cranky everyone becomes during the move. There will be the occaisional tug-of-war over our time that always exists with family visits. But it'll be fun because I'll get to see AJ & K, little Tori & Joe, and maybe cousin Lori too. Not to imply I will not enjoy seeing everyone else too, I feel bad calling out a few and not the rest . . . J, J, J, A, N, C, and anyone else!
Why do I spell out some names and others? To protect the innocent? To protect the villanous? I'm not sure why. Mainly I abbreviate names like AJ, D, and T because the are the only ones in my life with those letters and I've become accustom to shortening them in emails, etc. I also don't like listing out unusual names it seems like a spotlight on them, one they didn't ask for. More common names fade into the text, you may not be sure which Jen or Joe I'm speaking about.
AND this is plenty long now. Later.